Honors & Awards
Honorary Citizen
2023Municipality of Iasi, Romania
20 Years Test of Time Award
2021European Symposium of Algorithms
2021International Society for Computational Biology
Professor Honoris Causa
2010Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania
James A. and Julie N. Brown Professor of Computational and Mathematical Sciences
2006Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Applied Biosystems Science Fellow
2003Highest distinction for scientific achievement in Applied Biosystems
Manager of the Celera Subteam
2002Winner of the ACM KDD Cup
Work on the Computational Complexity of the Three-Dimensional Ising Model
2001Top 100 Most Important Discoveries of the U.S. Department of Energy's first 25 years
Graduation Speaker
2000Mathematics and Physics Class of 2000, University of New Mexico
ACM Service Recognition
2000ACM General Chair of the RECOMB Conference
Keynote Speaker
1999New Mexico Mathematics Olympiad Finalists
Scientific American "Best of 1998"
1998Supercomputing Simulation of Protein Misfolding Project
Sandia National Laboratories Award for Excellence
1995The first protein folding prediction algorithm with guaranteed error bounds